Noises of materials Vol. 2
Candy box sounds, opening, closing etc. Aluminum box sounds, blow, opening, closing, resonance. Metallic door noises in a corridor, blow, opening, closing. Sound effects of sliding aluminum doors. Sounds of knives and blades, rubbed, slipped. Noises from pan lids. Sounds of metal keys and locks. Sounds of metal bars struck, thrown. Grilling, metal or bar fence fires, shaking, stick slip and blows.
# candy box, box opening, box closing, aluminum box, knock on a box, box resonance, metal door in a corridor, knock on a metal door, opening of a metal door, closing of a metal door , aluminum sliding door, knives and blade, rubbed, slid, pan lid, metal key, bolt, struck metal bar, discarded metal bar, wire fence, metal fence, bar fence, shaken fence, sliding of a stick and blow